Thursday, April 23, 2009

Let the blogging begin

So, welcome to my blogspot. I am really excited about getting it started and look forward to seeing how it develops.
Let's begin with a little bit about me. The whole reason I am starting this blog is because I want to share my passion about redesign, re purposing, up cycling, what else can I call it? I have an Etsy page dedicated to my re purposed items called, you guessed it, Vintage Evolution. I love few things more than being able to look at something that has been cast out and imagining a new life for it. A thrift store to me is more of an imaginariam, where I can begin a new world from other's garbage. I could spend my days yardsaling and thrift storing, then coming home and cutting apart and resewing. I can't wait for the day that I can get a dress form and really begin making some cool clothes for adults.
Now, what are my goals for this blogspot? I have so many. I would like to spread the word about handmade, re purposing, and living just a little bit greener. I plan to make regular and hopefully frequent posts about things that I find to make those things possible. I will feature not only my own work, but the work of other crafters who share common ideals.
I hope that you enjoy this blog and can learn something new. Come back often, and sign up as a follower. Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to cover, or if you have any ideas you would like to share.

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